Saturday, January 31, 2009

Coming out from hiding and going black tie

Yeah, it has been a while. Seems My Human decided to hide me under some sofa pillows and left me there for a while. She, of course, blamed Jack the Cat who was innocent in all this. After finally digging me out and fluffing me back up, she started taking me out on adventures again. The first being the Director's Guild of America Awards. I think that made up for the sofa pillow thing.

Anyway... Off we went dressed to the nines to the Century Plaza Hotel. We skirted to outside red carpet since my fame has not yet spead to the masses.. and went into the glittering room downstairs for a cocktail reception then dinner. It was pretty cool seeing the likes of Jodi Foster, Christian Bale, Ron Howard, Marisa Tomei, Roger Ebert, Christopher Nolan, Frank Langella... and so on and so on.

We were there cheering on My Human's friend who works on Mad Men. (An awesome show - go watch it.) The show did not win this year, but we still cheered just the same.

Here are a few pics:

Me with Janis and Loren

Myla and Maryann

My Human and the director's chair that had her name on it.. She lets me play on it and yell "ACTION!!" once in a while. Then me at our dinner table

Janis again on the way home after a glittery, star studded night.

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