Monday, December 22, 2008

*sigh* long absence

So My Human has been duly chastised for not making regular updates this month. Not as if I can type - had she given me hands, that might be another story... but until then, I rely on her to enter in my thoughts. So she is grounded. Bad Human.

Anyway, December has been fun and busy. There have been parties and decorating, crafting, working and various other things that have kept us hopping. I am ready to celebrate my first holiday season.

I already got a couple gifts from Jen - my own suitcase and photo album! I am styling now!!

I also got to help Dano celebrate his birthday - though he did get a bit edgy when he thought I was diggin into his cake before he did. Happy birthday, Dano. ;)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Elf. Gnome. Good combo

all the links below are different elf dances from the Office Depot/JibJab site... I am not always one to pimp the corporate machine, but this is one of the most fun campaigns evah. I am so glad they brought it back this year. :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Absence make the heart grow fonder...

It has been a busy few weeks. Since I last sat down to share my adventures, there have been many things going on.

I'll just go into it a little bit, then My Human will share photos so I can give more information.

First, My Human and I traveled to San Diego to participate in the Breast Cancer 3 Day walk. It was a really cool experience. My Human had some issues with blisters, but overall, the event was a challenge, a success and something to remember. There were 5500 walkers and the event raised $11 million for breast cancer research.

Next came Thanksgiving. I helped cook - ok, I more helped eat - but I tried. Only so much I can do with no arms.

There was a trip to the spa, a visit to the Mulholland fountain, a ride in the HeadBlade Lotus (thanks, Todd!) and then decorating for Christmas.

So much activity!!!

Thanks for your patience, sorry it has been so long.