Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pizza, The Grove and Canyon Gourmet!

This week was pretty exciting. My Human brought home some new roommates for us - two "fancy" goldfish. I am still trying to figure out why they are here, but My Human says it is peaceful to watch them swim around. Jack the Cat keeps trying to figure out how to get in the tank with them. So far he has been unsuccessful.
Not sure what My Human is going to call them yet...right now they are just "The Fish."

I spent most of the week at work with My Human, they were busy on a couple photo shoots, though there seems to always be time to clown around. Here Lew is clowning around with some of the wardrobe while I was hiding in the pockets.

This weekend was the 5th Annual Pizza Party at the studio of Bruce and Jennifer James. Everyone brings pizza toppings and there is a competition. This contest is fierce and My Human was determined to win this year. She made a tequila lime chicken pizza with red peppers and caramelized onions...served with a shot of tequila to bribe the judges with. Sadly, it did not work - she received an honorable mention, but not the coveted Pizza Paddle. Next year, she year.
Here I am with her presentation area - Patron, salt, limes and a space for the pizza. This is the pizza right as it came out of the oven. She said I could not have any until the judges had all come over. I did not tell her that I snuck a piece of chicken. Tasty.
There was quite a big crowd this year - everyone there vying for the prize and bragging rights - or they are just there to eat a lot of pizza. Some are there for both.
The prep table.

My human talked with Brantlea and Alistair - a really cool couple that did not mind posing for a picture.
Sunday, My Human met back up with Lorraine and we were onto another adventure in LA. This time we started at The Grove. We saw all sorts of decorations going up and I asked what it was for - she then explained Christmas and the holiday season. She promised that she and Lorraine would come back and we can have our picture taken with Santa!! I am so excited!!!

Santa is coming!!
My Human and Lorraine let me peek in the windows and play in the giant gumdrops. This holiday things sounds FUN!!

The next part of our adventure took us out toward the ocean and onto Topanga. Along the way, we drove past the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Then we drove up Pacific Coast Highway (PCH to the locals) and past the Getty Villa. My Human and Lorraine said we could visit there also.

Our destination was a shop in Topanga a friend of Lorraine's opened. It is a lovely little shop called the Canyon Gourmet. Tory is the owner and she was really impressive with how much she knew about the cheeses and other items she stocks.

The front window is all festive and decorated for fall. She let me ride the chicken for a bit, then asked me to get off of it when I tried to get it to start jumping over the gourds.

She stocks yummy condiments, sauces and gourmet ingredients and puts together festive baskets.
mmmm olive oil and sea salt.
The inside of the shop. Check it out if you are in the area. They are bringing in wines soon.

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