Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Day at Sea

The last few days of the cruise are spent at sea heading back to LA. My Human and Auntie Helen enjoyed not having to mess with the lines going ashore and so we all spent most of the daytime out on deck reading.

The night time was when things less relaxing and more fun. We went to see one of the shows at the theatre. Nino Frediani and his son Romano performed their amazing juggling act and the magician Murray performed a short show. Afterward we all got to meet Murray and My Human made sure we posed for a photo with them.

We ran into Nino and Romano at our little bar and invited them to go to dinner with us. We ate sushi and talked a lot - BFF Bethany joined us after her family went to bed. Then we all headed down to Gatsby’s for some more drinks then when they closed, we went to the Carousel bar where danced and had a lot of fun. My Human and Auntie Helen walked a bit crookedly back to the room very late.

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